Hey, its our 1st ANNIVERSARY!!! :)

Keep the fire going! :)

2011 Resolution

I would like to begin this blog post by stating how this year has not been the best year for me! However, this year has provided me with countless valuable insights that is going to be beneficial in the future :)

Let me begin by stating:

The most tragic thing that has ever occurred is... losing what I thought was the dearest love of my life.

The best thing that has ever occurred is... I have found a worth fighting for a cause: createanuproar.org //(yes, what you would expect from a bio major)

The worst experience I had this year and ever was... hitting rock-bottom drunk, which made me understand the dangers of alcohol.. and will never do that ever again. Sorry, liver~

The most memorable thing that happened was... being able to see my beloved family back home :)

So much staring-into-space moments this year! I'm going to try to minimize the level this coming year... and i'm going to chop my hair off :)

Goodbye, 2011. I'll never live in your time ever again! Thanks for the memories!
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